With the support of a Certified Transformational Coach

Transformational Coaching helping women wake up to their wholeness, align their life with what matters, and design the life of their dreams

The world needs your light

What if you had the courage to say YES to the call of your heart and live fully into your grandest vision for your life?

What if you took 100% responsibility for the way your life goes and committed to showing up powerfully?

What if you invested in yourself and accelerated your success with a clear and aligned strategy?

What if you were so connected to your worth and lit up by your purpose that you became unstoppable?

What if I told you it is possible to have it all?

You know you were made for MORE

I see you.

You sense a greatness in you that is longing to be expressed. You have big dreams and bouts of inspiration, but it seems to fizzle out in the face of your to-do list. Despite your best intentions, you feel stuck in the quicksand of life. You know that reaching your full potential will take showing up in your life in a whole new way

and you’re ready for it.

You are tired of being tired. You are done playing small. You are fed up with living in survival mode.

You see other people leaping towards their dreams and the voice in your heart says…


You are READY to

  • Release old patterns, hurts, and fears that keep you stuck and watching life from the sidelines

  • Say goodbye to overwhelm and striving and hello to peace, play, and abundance

  • Access your unique wisdom and flow to your next level of success with clarity, focus, and confidence

  • Let go of imposter syndrome, fear of failure (and fear of success!) and be unleashed into your highest purpose and calling

  • Be your own biggest fan and say YES to the call of your heart

  • Unlock your most authentic self to make the income and impact you crave

  • Live a life of gratitude, celebration, and joy!

Your dream life is right now. Rise up and claim it!

You don’t have to do it alone.

Your dream is my dream! I am here to help you access the joy, clarity, confidence, fulfillment, spaciousness, and play you desire that are available to you right NOW!

I’ll support you in aligning your life with what truly matters to you so you can answer the call of your heart. I’ll equip you with the tools to unlock your own brilliance and power to create all the abundance you desire. AND, we’ll do it with a whole lotta celebration and play!

I don’t just give strategy (we do that, too) - I help you transform your mindset, regulate your nervous system, and reprogram your unconscious to awaken your most alive and aligned self! Live into your full potential and just watch the amazing results you’ll create.

What are you waiting for?

This is your ONE, RADIANT LIFE after all

It’s time to rise and SHINE!

By journeying through my 1:1 proprietary coaching framework, you will:

Wake up to your own brilliance, align your life with your vision, and create the abundance you desire!

Wake up to the wholeness, power, and clarity that is already within you

  • Upgrade your way of BEING in life so that you FEEL all the things you want to feel – peace, fulfillment, spaciousness, play – right NOW

  • Reconnect with what lights you up and cast an expansive vision for your life

  • Access your wealth of intuition and insight to get crystal clear on your purpose and create a roadmap to achieve your vision

  • Establish nourishing routines and habits that support your wellbeing


Bring every area of your life into alignment with your bigger vision

  • Set healthy boundaries to protect your YES and ditch burnout

  • Discover your zone of genius (and delegate the rest) so you are doing what you love and doing it well

  • Master your schedule to take back control of your time

  • Manage & harness your energy to flow in productivity


Fully enjoy your life NOW while going for your dreams

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and break through upper limits

  • Become the embodied CEO of your life - strategically investing your time, energy, and resources to support your larger mission

  • Unlock the LIT UP leader in you and create the impact you desire

  • Live your radiant life bursting with purpose and play


  • Coaching with Kara was such an incredible experience. Her presence is loving, integrous, and sincerely genuine. You can tell that Kara really cares and is also so knowledgeable and so experienced in her coaching skills. I came to her feeling incongruent with the pricing for my business. I left feeling confidence, empowered, and steady in asking for the true value of my work. Immediately, I noticed a shift from our session and was able to execute on the actions that she and I had discussed. I highly recommend Kara for coaching.

    Deanna T - Love, Life & Dating Coach

  • I have been fortunate enough to receive coaching from Kara, and it was the most magical, beautiful and transformative experience. During the session, Kara guided me to connect with a part of myself which I felt I had been disconnected from since a very young age. Kara was so masterful in giving me a lot of space to soak up the experience to the point where I have been able to revisit the vision and feeling numerous times since, helping me to centre myself and remember what is my purpose. The vision was full of such joy and beauty and I'm so grateful for Kara's guidance in allowing me to access it.

    Libby B - Health Coach

  • Thank you for coaching us as a couple to envision a shared future that is free from constraint and inspired by possibility. Your coaching lifted up areas where our thoughts were limiting us. We discovered that thoughts that we were resisting became blocks that are freed up when we acknowledge them and welcome them. You invited us to consider that these thoughts served us in some way - to protect us or make us feel safe. Once we distinguished the function of the thought, it no longer seemed significant or scary. You aptly coached us as we developed a future that we are living into as possibility. We left the coaching sessions being empowered, hopeful and excited to be alive. You are truly an extraordinary coach, Kara!

    Gerry H - Social Worker

  • When I started working with Kara, I didn’t know where to start or even what to say because I felt lost and inhibited by my anxiety and insecurities. Kara gently helped me accept who I am and acknowledge the power I already have to design my life.

    Emily T - Teacher

  • Thank you so much! I have been thinking of my session so much over the last couple of days and noticed some thought patterns that definitely need to shift! You are a great coach and will change many lives connecting from such a heart-centered, judgement free place! It's so powerful to normalize what so many of us are feeling with affirmation that we are not alone!

    Lisa B - Elementary School Staff

  • Kara was welcoming and created a calm and supportive environment (even virtually) right from the start. She was the perfect balance of going at my pace while also providing proactive activities that I needed to reflect and hold myself accountable to healthier habits. Kara was able to highlight thought patterns and help me make a shift to actively rooting my busy stressful life in joy everyday.

    Lisa C - Social Worker

  • Thank you for your coaching and for your extraordinary listening of me! I got a call from the Program Manager for ODHS with a salary offer of level 8 (out of 10)! I have the precise position that aligns with my calling, I get to live in my favorite place in the world, I will be making a generous salary which will make a difference for our retirement, and we will be close to family. I am really living the lit up life!

    Gerry H - Social Worker

  • When you welcome Kara into your life as a coach, you will leave every session feeling uplifted, loed, understood and supported. I came to her really struggling to trust myself and my own intuition, and she gave me the tools to listen, believe in me, and to forgive parts of my past that were holding me back from a future filled with hope and beauty. Kara is amazing and will walk you through every step comfortably and genuinely. 100% recommendation!!!

    Rachel - Single Mother Recovering After Divorce

  • My sessions with my life coach Kara Sigua are coming to an end. After my 4 months with her, I am approaching life in a whole new way that has helped me stop procrastinating, break bad habits, and just life with more joy and purpose. I didn't know what I thought a life coach was, but Kara was what I needed at a point in my life where things felt unstable and inconsistent. If you are looking to "get your shit together," which is what I told her my goal was during our first session, then check her out. Invest in yourself and follow her flow and you will see changes in your life.

    Eloise - CEO The High-Achieving Housewife Podcast

Meet Kara

I believe we are the designers of our lives and that our dream life is right now.

My mission is to create space for your personal expansion so you fully step into your purpose with ease and joy. Using transformational coaching tools, I help my clients get to the root of the patterns which are no longer serving them so they are unleashed into their true potential. 

The truth is, I’m not here to help you change your life. 

I’m here to help you transform the way you show up in life so that the world is never the same. My goal is to be a launchpad for you to live into your full purpose; bringing your pure brilliance to the world, breaking generational chains, and leaving an impact that raises the vibration of the planet, baby! 

My transformational coaching and mentorship is the culmination of 20 years of diving into the inner and outer work it takes to live an aligned, powerful life. I am a certified Mastery Method Coach, completing a 300 hour certification training. For a decade, I worked as a marketing consultant for small businesses and entrepreneurs as they built and scaled their businesses. I studied Psychology and Communication at UC Santa Barbara, earning my BA with honors. And, I earned my MBA with Honors from Portland State University.

My purpose is to live into the fullest version of myself and to illuminate the path for others to do the same. Let’s live our most LIT UP lives together!